Ear cleaning kits have been on the rise with #earcleaning trending, but are they safe?

If you are researching or shopping for an ear cleaning kit you might first ask yourself are earwax removal kits safe? There are several different types of earwax cleaning kits on the market so we will try to talk about which one is the best for an at-home user and also touch on why some methods are not a good idea or best left to a medical professional.

Some people feel the need to clean their ears

Your ears are mostly self cleaning, earwax has antibacterial properties so it actually prevents dirt, dust and bacteria from entering your ears. Additionally, earwax naturally works its way out of your ear canals, where it dries and falls out. In theory, your ears are self-cleaning and you shouldn’t have to clean out your earwax, but inevitably sometimes the earwax gets stuck in the ear canal or sometimes it clogs it up completely and needs to be cleaned out. This is something that you shouldn’t have to go to the doctor for, just learn how to use ear cleaners yourself and it shouldn’t require a medical professional.

The rise of at home ear cleaning kits

There are a variety of at home ear cleaning kits on the market. The most common way people clean their ears is with a cotton swab, or Q-Tip. Swabs can work, but they are NOT recommended because they usually push the wax in deeper as opposed to pulling it out and they don’t give you a good view of what you are doing so injury to your eardrum is likely. Earwax candles also get talked about frequently, but they have been proven to be ineffective and can also cause burns if handled carelessly. Other tools for ear cleaning include curettes, but these really are only safe in the hands of a medical professional - do you want to be poking around blindly in your ear with a sharp metal tool? Don’t use these unless you have proper training. The best earwax removal kit that we have found is an ear cleaning kit with camera, otherwise known as a digital otoscope. Digital otoscopes have a camera in the tip to see inside your ear canal and small, soft earwax spoons to pull the earwax out of your ear canal. They help you keep a safe distance from your eardrum and also remove the earwax effectively.

Do ear wax removal kits work?

The safest at home ear cleaning kit is the digital otoscope. ScopeAround otoscopes have a high resolution camera to give you a clear view of your ear canal and drum, as well as soft silicone ear spoons to gently scrape out the earwax—these are the best earwax removal kits that we recommend. Cotton swabs are frequently used but often just push the wax into your ear farther and can be dangerous if they are over inserted. Ear drops like Debrox are effective at softening hard earwax and can be helpful if you have a bad clog or impaction in your ear, but they don’t actually remove the wax, just soften it.

Are ear wax removal kits safe?

Knowing how to use an at home ear cleaning kit is the best way to have a safe ear cleaning experience. Ear wax cleaning kits are safe if they are used properly, but you always need to be careful and avoid contacting your ear drum or scraping your ear canal. Digital otoscopes are the safest ear wax cleaning kit because they allow you to actually see what you are doing. The camera probe is located in the tip of the otoscope and it gives you a perfect view of the inside of your ear canal and helps you avoid injuring your ear drum. Doctors and other health professionals generally do not recommend using cotton swabs because you cannot see where the swab is inside of your ear and the swab also tends to push wax deeper into the canal instead of pulling it out. Ear candles are not considered safe, nor are they very effective. Finally, metal curretes are an option that is also difficult to see inside your ear and not recommended unless you are a medical professional.

Why should you purchase an ear cleaning kit with camera?

If you are experiencing an itch, ache, ringing or a clog (hearing loss) in your ears then you should consider purchasing an at home ear cleaning kit. The best earwax removal kit that we know of is the ear cleaning kit with camera for the various reasons listed above. If your symptoms don’t subside then you should consult with a doctor or other health professional.

Best earwax removal kit

The best earwax removal kit that we have found is an ear cleaning kit with camera, otherwise known as a digital otoscope. Digital otoscopes have a camera in the tip to see inside your ear canal and small, soft earwax spoons to pull the earwax out of your ear canal. They help you maintain a safe distance from your eardrum and also remove the earwax effectively. ScopeAround sells several different otoscopes to help our customers safely clean their ears. Shop now!


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