What to do if you think you have eardrum damage

Eardrum damage is a common problem that can have a significant impact on your hearing. It can cause pain, itching, fullness in the ear, and hearing loss. In some cases, it can even lead to chronic ear infections and cholesteatoma.

What is an eardrum?

The eardrum is a thin, circular membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear. It is responsible for transmitting sound waves from the outer ear to the middle ear.

What are the causes of eardrum damage?

Eardrum damage can be caused by a variety of things, including:

  • Ear infections: Ear infections are the most common cause of eardrum damage. They can cause the eardrum to become inflamed and infected.
  • Loud noises: Loud noises can damage the eardrum by causing it to vibrate too much.
  • Trauma: Trauma to the ear, such as a blow to the head, can also cause eardrum damage.

What are the symptoms of eardrum damage?

The symptoms of eardrum damage can vary depending on the severity of the damage. Some common symptoms include:

  • Pain: Eardrum damage can cause pain in the ear.
  • Itching: Eardrum damage can cause itching in the ear.
  • Fullness in the ear: Eardrum damage can cause a feeling of fullness in the ear.
  • Hearing loss: Eardrum damage can cause hearing loss.

How can an otoscope be used to detect eardrum damage?

An otoscope is a medical instrument that is used to examine the ear. It can be used to detect eardrum damage by looking for redness, swelling, or perforations in the eardrum.

How is eardrum damage treated?

The treatment for eardrum damage depends on the severity of the damage. Some common treatments include:

  • Antibiotics for ear infections: Ear infections are the most common cause of eardrum damage. Antibiotics can help to treat ear infections and prevent further damage to the eardrum.
  • Eardrops for inflammation: Eardrops can be used to reduce inflammation and pain in the ear.
  • Surgery for severe damage: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to repair eardrum damage.

What are the complications of eardrum damage?

Eardrum damage can lead to a number of complications, including:

  • Hearing loss: Eardrum damage can cause hearing loss.
  • Chronic ear infections: Eardrum damage can make it more difficult to fight off ear infections.
  • Cholesteatoma: Cholesteatoma is a condition that occurs when the skin of the eardrum grows inward. It can cause hearing loss and infection.

How to prevent eardrum damage?

There are a number of things you can do to prevent eardrum damage, including:

  • Wearing ear protection when you are around loud noises
  • Avoiding putting anything in your ears
  • Getting regular ear exams
  • Treating ear infections promptly
  • Avoiding smoking

By following these tips, you can help to protect your eardrum from damage.

Purchase a ScopeAround Otoscope to check for eardrum damage

If you think you may have eardrum damage, one option is to check it yourself at home with a digital otoscope. ScopeAround was the first company to make an ear inspection camera for consumer use and they have the most experience and customer feedback manufacturing these devices. ScopeAround makes digital otoscopes that are stand-alone devices as well as ones that are compatible with iPhone (iOS) and Android mobile devices as well as PC (Windows) or Mac (OSX) computers.


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