Learn about what may be causing you to overproduce ear wax

Ear wax, also known as cerumen, is a waxy substance produced by the ear canal. It is a natural and protective secretion that plays an essential role in maintaining ear health. Ear wax is composed of a combination of dead skin cells, oils, and secretions from glands in the ear canal.

The primary function of ear wax is to protect the ear by trapping dust, debris, and foreign particles that could potentially damage or infect the sensitive structures of the ear. Additionally, ear wax helps to keep the skin of the ear canal moisturized, preventing it from becoming dry and itchy.

The ear has a self-cleaning mechanism, where new ear wax is produced near the entrance of the ear canal, and the older wax slowly moves towards the outer part of the ear, carrying with it any trapped particles. This process typically allows the ear wax to naturally work its way out of the ear, and it is usually not necessary to remove it manually.

However, in some cases, ear wax may accumulate and lead to a blockage, causing discomfort, reduced hearing, or earache. If this happens, it is advisable to seek medical assistance from a healthcare professional or an ear specialist, who can safely remove the excess ear wax using specialized tools or irrigation techniques.

It's important to note that while ear wax is a normal and healthy substance, certain behaviors, such as using cotton swabs or other objects to clean the ears, can push the wax deeper into the ear canal, increasing the risk of blockage or injury. Therefore, it is generally recommended to avoid inserting anything into the ear canal and let the ears clean themselves naturally.

Causes of overproduction of ear wax

Here's an explanation of the causes of ear wax overproduction:

  • Genetic Predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic tendency to produce more ear wax than others. The genetics of cerumen production can vary among different populations and ethnicities, leading to differences in the amount and consistency of ear wax.
  • Cerumen Gland Dysfunction: The ear canal contains special glands that produce ear wax. Dysfunction or abnormality in these cerumen-producing glands can lead to excessive production of ear wax. This dysfunction can be caused by various factors, including hormonal imbalances or other underlying medical conditions.
  • Foreign Body Impaction: Sometimes, the presence of foreign objects in the ear canal can trigger the overproduction of ear wax. When a foreign body, such as a cotton swab, hearing aid, or earplug, is inserted into the ear, it can cause irritation and stimulate the cerumen glands to produce more wax as a protective mechanism.
  • Inadequate Ear Wax Clearance: The natural process of ear wax movement towards the outer ear can be hindered by various factors. If the ear wax is not effectively cleared from the ear canal due to issues like narrow or twisted ear canals, it can accumulate and lead to overproduction.


It's important to note that while overproduction of earwax can occur due to these factors, attempting to remove the wax using objects like cotton swabs can be harmful. Inserting objects into the ear canal can push the wax deeper, cause injuries, or even puncture the eardrum. If overproduction ear wax causes discomfort, reduced hearing, or any other issues, it's best to seek professional medical assistance from a healthcare provider or an ear specialist. They can safely remove the excess wax using appropriate techniques and instruments, ensuring the ear remains unharmed and clean.

Symptoms of excessive ear wax

Excessive ear wax production, also known as cerumen impaction, can lead to various symptoms. These symptoms may vary from mild to severe, depending on the extent of the wax buildup. Some common symptoms of excessive ear wax production include:

  • Earache: The presence of a large amount of ear wax can cause pressure and discomfort in the ear, leading to an earache.
  • Reduced Hearing: One of the primary symptoms of ear wax buildup is reduced or muffled hearing in the affected ear. The wax can block the ear canal and prevent sound waves from reaching the eardrum properly.
  • Tinnitus: Excessive ear wax may lead to tinnitus, which is the perception of ringing, buzzing, or other noises in the ear without any external sound source.
  • Ear Fullness or Sensation of Blockage: Individuals with excessive ear wax production often report a feeling of fullness in the ear or a sensation of blockage.
  • Itching or Discharge: The presence of excess ear wax can cause itching inside the ear. In some cases, the ear wax may become impacted and hard, leading to ear discharge.
  • Dizziness or Vertigo: In rare cases, severe ear wax impaction can affect the balance organs in the inner ear, leading to dizziness or vertigo.
  • Cough or Cough Reflex: Sometimes, the presence of ear wax close to the eardrum can stimulate the cough reflex, leading to a persistent cough.


It's important to note that while these symptoms may be indicative of excessive ear wax production, they can also be caused by other ear-related or medical conditions. Therefore, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional or an ear specialist for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment if you experience any of these symptoms. They can safely examine your ears and, if necessary, remove the excess ear wax using proper techniques to alleviate the symptoms and improve your ear health.

Remedies and prevention strategies

Here are some remedies, prevention strategies, and safe methods for ear wax removal:

Remedies for Ear Wax Removal:

  • Ear Drops: Over-the-counter ear drops designed for wax removal can soften and loosen the ear wax, making it easier to come out naturally. Follow the instructions on the product label for proper usage.
  • Warm Water Rinse: Gently flushing the ear canal with warm water using a bulb syringe or ear irrigation kit can help dislodge and remove softened ear wax. This method is best done under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid injury.
  • Olive Oil or Mineral Oil: Applying a few drops of warm olive oil or mineral oil into the ear canal can help soften the ear wax, making it easier to come out. Lie down on your side for a few minutes to allow the oil to work before draining it out.


Safe Methods for Ear Wax Removal:

  • Cotton-Tipped Swabs (Q-tips) Avoidance: It is essential to avoid using cotton-tipped swabs or any other objects to clean the ear canal, as this can push the wax deeper and cause damage to the ear.
  • Avoid Ear Candling: Ear candling is a popular but unsafe method that involves inserting a hollow candle into the ear and lighting it. It is not recommended as it can lead to burns, punctured eardrums, or further ear wax impaction.
  • Use an at-home digital otoscope to look in your ear canal for any wax buildup and remove it if necessary.


Professional Intervention:

  • If you experience symptoms of excessive ear wax, such as reduced hearing, earache, or itching, it's best to seek professional help from a healthcare provider or an ear specialist.
  • A healthcare professional can safely examine your ears and determine the appropriate method for ear wax removal, which may include manual removal with specialized tools or ear irrigation.


Prevention Tips for Managing Ear Wax Buildup:

  • Let the Ear Clean Itself: In most cases, the ear is self-cleaning, and ear wax will naturally move out of the ear canal. Avoid inserting any objects into the ear, as this can disrupt the natural cleaning process.
  • Keep Ears Dry: Excess moisture in the ear can lead to ear infections. Dry your ears gently after swimming or bathing.
  • Regular Checkups: Include ear examinations as part of your regular health checkups, especially if you are prone to frequent ear wax buildup.
  • Ear Protection: If you work in environments with excessive dust, dirt, or loud noises, use ear protection, such as earplugs, to prevent foreign particles from entering the ear and causing irritation.


Remember, if you have a history of ear problems, sensitive ear canals, or perforated eardrums, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional before attempting any remedies for ear wax removal to avoid potential complications.

When to seek medical attention

You should seek medical attention for ear-related issues under the following circumstances:

  • Excessive Ear Wax Buildup: If you experience symptoms of excessive ear wax, such as reduced hearing, earache, fullness in the ear, or itching, it's advisable to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional or an ear specialist can safely examine your ears and determine if ear wax removal is necessary.
  • Severe Pain: If you have severe ear pain that is persistent or worsening, it may indicate an ear infection or other underlying ear condition that requires medical evaluation and treatment.
  • Sudden Hearing Loss: If you experience a sudden, significant decrease in hearing ability in one or both ears, seek immediate medical attention as this could be a sign of a medical emergency.
  • Ear Discharge: If you notice any unusual discharge coming from the ear, such as pus or blood, it may indicate an infection or injury that requires medical evaluation.
  • Ear Injury: If you accidentally injure your ear or suspect damage to the ear canal or eardrum, it's essential to seek medical attention promptly to assess the extent of the injury and prevent complications.
  • Tinnitus or Vertigo: If you experience persistent tinnitus (ringing or buzzing in the ear) or vertigo (a sensation of spinning or dizziness), it's important to consult a healthcare professional to identify the underlying cause.
  • Foreign Object in the Ear: If you or someone else has inserted a foreign object into the ear, such as a cotton swab or small toy, do not attempt to remove it yourself. Seek immediate medical attention to avoid pushing the object further into the ear canal or causing injury.
  • Recurrent Ear Infections: If you frequently experience ear infections or recurrent ear problems, consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate management.
  • History of Ear Conditions: If you have a history of ear-related issues, such as frequent ear wax buildup, ear infections, or hearing problems, it's essential to have regular check-ups with an ear specialist to monitor your ear health.


In general, if you are unsure about any ear-related symptoms or concerns, it is best to err on the side of caution and seek medical advice from a healthcare professional or an ear specialist. They can properly diagnose the issue and recommend appropriate treatment or management to ensure the health and well-being of your ears.

Purchase a ScopeAround Otoscope to clean your ears!

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